Note: this page contains preliminary scribbles

Discriminators and the Vocabulary

Everything in vocab is in discriminators but not vice versa (vocab ⊂ discriminator).

There is a vocab dsl and a discriminators dsl (both configuration files for transformations)


The input to 1 is lapps.vocab in (there are also template files and other onput files for the mapping in there), it creates

The input to 2 is the config DSL file above and a file named discriminators.config in the org.lappsgrid.discriminator.dsl repository, the output is page and parts of the java package in

Automatically generated html page at Note that the IDs are not really IDs because they can change when new discriminators are added.

The IDs should not change, the purpose of banks and offsets is so new discriminators can be added without affecting other discriminators' ID values.

Having said that, discriminator ID values are an obsolete concept that should be deprecated and removed. A discriminator's "id" is its URL.

The repository is at In this repo, discriminators are manually defined in

Example 1:

lif {
  uri media('jsonld#lif')
  description "LAPPS Interchange format. (LIF)"
  parents 'json-ld'

Note that media is a closure that expands to the full URI for media types. The link target does actually exist and has content, the value of description is in that page. The parents attribute is not used, but correct in this case.

Example 2:

token {
   uri vocab('Token')
   description "Tokens"
   parents chunk

Here the parents value is actually wrong given the actualy hierarchy in the vocabulary. Note that the link from token to the uri value is manual, so if we add a new category to the vocab (Synonym for example), then we would need to add it to both the vocab and the discriminator config file.

  1. The parents field should be ignored; the only required fields are uri and description.
  2. The Vocabulary DSL processor generates the section of the discriminators.config related to the vocabulary and annotation types.

Updating the vocabulary

Repositories involved:

The former has lapps.vocab, which contains the actual vocabulary in some format. There is a Makefile and the command to use seems to be

$ make site

This relies on a jar vocab-1.2.2.jar, which happens to have (April 13th) a hard-coded path in the vocab bash script.

Create the jar from the second repository:

$ mvn package

Updating the discriminator inventory

Repository needed: This repository also has some notes on updating the pages.

To update the discriminators you first need to edit the (discriminators.config)[] page. Then you generate the new HTML pages:

$ git clone
$ cd org.lappsgrid.discriminator.dsl
$ make clean	# remove old build
$ make jar	# creates the jar needed to create the vocabulary
$ make html	# creates target/discriminators.html
$ make site	# creates target/vocab/ns and target/vocab/, with pages to extend the vocab

The last step is to upload these to the server.