Dependency Structure in LIF

Last updated: October 29 th, 2015

We use two annotation types from the vocabulary, DependencyStructure and Dependency:

The DependencyStructure object contains a list of dependencies, typically for a sentence. It introduces a feature named dependencies which contains a list of identifiers referring to annotations of @type Dependency in the same view. A Dependency has a label reflecting the dependency name and in its feature dictionary it has references to the governor and dependent. Note that the ROOT node has no governor.

  "text": "Sue sees herself",
  "views": [
    { "id": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "contains": {
          "Token": {
            "type": "tokenizer:opennlp" }}},
      "annotations": [
         { "@type": "Token", "id": "tok0", "start": 0, "end": 3 },
         { "@type": "Token", "id": "tok1", "start": 4, "end": 8 },
         { "@type": "Token", "id": "tok2", "start": 9, "end": 16 }
    { "id": "v2",
      "metadata": {
        "contains": {
          "DependencyStructure": {
            "dependencySet": "ns/types/StanfordDependencies",
            "type": "DependencyStructure:SimpleDependencyParser"
          "Dependency": {
            "type": "DependencyStructure:SimpleDependencyParser"
      "annotations": [
         { "@type": "DependencyStructure",
           "id": "depstructure0",
           "start": 0,
           "end": 16,
           "features": {
              "type": "basic-dependencies",
              "dependencies": [ "dep0", "dep1", "dep2" ],
        { "@type": "Dependency",
          "label": "ROOT",
          "id": "dep0",
          "features":    {
            "governor": null,
            "dependent": "v1:tok1" }},
        { "@type": "Dependency",
          "label": "nsubj",
          "id": "dep1",
          "features":    {
            "governor": "v1:tok1",
            "dependent": "v1:tok0" }},
        { "@type": "Dependency",
          "label": "nobj",
          "id": "dep2",
          "features":    {
            "governor": "v1:tok1",
            "dependent": "v1:tok2" }}]}]}]
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